
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Murderous marsupials on Sundays

I've always loved Sundays. Well, different parts of it anyway. As a younger child, Sunday used to be the only completely free day of the week - without school or any extra-curricular activities and a day when my parents would be at home as well. As such I've grown up associating Sundays with rest and relaxation, as many do.

Getting a little older Sundays were fine - just Sunday nights were a bit of a bother. Usually some last minute homework or assignment or report or 3,000-word essay to be done by the next day. Getting to the work life I absolutely dreaded Sunday afternoons. And considering I'm not an early riser, let's just say I usually dreaded Sundays on the whole. I'd probably wake up with a hangover of sorts, pretend to be human for the breakfast/brunch/lunch charade, and then realise that I'd have to work tomorrow and all the stress and worry that I was drinking to get away from will be back... reason enough to go back to sleep!

That's all quite stupid because thinking about the moment and what one could do to not stress or be mildly content in the hours before Sunday ends would probably be quite constructive. Keep that one for future reference. Anyway in the last couple of months, I started to use Sundays as yet another social day, introducing outdoor and pub-related activities to my Sunday arvos. So they started to pick up. And notice the busier your social life and calendar, there tends to be an inverse impact on one's bank balance. Coincidence? I think not.

Saw a ridiculous movie as part of the Japanese Film Festival tonight - one of the luxuries of not having to show up to the office tomorrow morning. Went to dinner at one of my favourite little places in Chinatown and forgot to take pics - I'm not going to be the most reliable food blogger, now am I? Did (sort of) manage to get a pic of a koala and rabbit as part of the director's showing of Executive Koala though - it is dark in the cinema, so try and spot the koala:

Minoru Kawasaki (director) at Greater Union, George St introducing Executive Koala

Truly a mad film with a vague attempt at a storyline and a handful of stupidly funny moments. Who would have thought koalas have homicidal nightmares? And that they come from a place called Sydney Village in the north of Japan? And not to forget the frog that runs a convenience store, and the director and crew's cameo at the end of the pyscho killer sequence. Unfortunately for Kawasaki, repeated use of dream sequences and resuscitatation gags did little to help the movie. The thing about foreign films is that they can get away with it. Say for example if the film were in English, it would be panned, as it coincidentally was in Japan. So the foreign aspect of the film compensates for the quality. Personally, anyway. I don't feel like I've been completely ripped off. It was truly as if Kawasaki had always wanted to make a love story, a horror movie, an action movie, and in doing a comedy of Executive Koala, he manages to not really hit any genre at all. Oh well, seeing a koala repeatedly bash a girl against a pole and for her to resuscitate herself and continue the fight scene - pretty funny.

P.S. The Glaswegians continue to enthrall me with their rocking melodies.
P.P.S. Why is it that you can't have been to the dentist recently if you're going to give blood? I'm trying hard to find the correlation...

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