
Monday, March 30, 2009

Fish biscuits

As a catchy term I've been bandying around for the last week, fish biscuits are not as fun and easy as I'd imagined initially. Not biscuits to feed your pet fish nor biscuits containing tuna or any other piscine species but rather fish-shaped biscuits.

I do think part of the fun of kids parties is letting the inner child have a bit of fun. This includes, but is not limited to: food, decorations, music, games and especially desserts and sweets. Oh, and the screaming and running about like a toddler. And while I'm yet to become good friends with anything icing or frosting related, it's the thought that counts with my initial idea to make Nemo biscuits.

Basic biscuit mixture, rolled out and fish cuttings

A school of raw fish

After the first tray went into the oven I started my battle with the icing. It's probably due to the fact that I never liketo make the full portion of icing as recipes usually ask for something crazy like 3 cups of icing sugar. And then I find it difficult to measure a third of a 1/4 cup and the like. Oh well. This day I concede defeat to icing.

Iced fish biscuit

The idea was to ice them with a bright orange and then give them white stripes and eyes. I got as far as slicing liquorice for some eyes but gave up from there as the icing kept setting on me and wouldn't spread on the biscuits nicely. To which of course I added water, which then of course wouldn't set.

Like I said, I gave up and looked at other remotely creative ways about my fishy business.

Un-iced fish biscuits with scales

Using the tail end of the biscuit cutter I lightly pressed U-shaped indentations into the dough to give the look of scales. Easy, simple and nothing to do with icing. That's enough fish biscuits for now.

I've also recently tried the Baker's Delight mocha hot cross bun that's been heavily advertised on television.

Baker's Delight mocha hot cross bun

It smells strongly of coffee although the taste isn't quite as strong. Dotted with loads of chocolate chips, the mocha hot cross bun gets my tick of approval but still comes second to the traditional fruit and spice version (without peel). Bring on Easter and bunnies and chocolate.


  1. heh have you seen the cinnamon creme hot cross krispy kreme donuts?

  2. Hey chocolatesuze,
    No I haven't seen them, but they sound deadly...!
