a) Major FAIL;
b) Publicity stunt;
c) Hoax;
d) Doesn't matter - not going to eat it anyway?
Not everything needs to be new and Gen-i-ed. Nostalgia and childhood memories go a long way. Thanks to Kraft for the blip we all get to look back on in years to come: "Remember when they tried, and failed, to change Vegemite? Memories..."
i like the original better. i bought a jar of this (before it got renamed)
and didnt buy another one since.
iwonder, what happened to all the old named jars of 'name me'?
Hi Betty - Hmm... I say we keep a lookout at discount shops and the like. Can you imagine everyone trying to get ahold of a jar of iSnack 2.0???
Funny. It was like in America when they changed Coke - to taste more like Pepsi! At least Kraft didn't take the original off the shelf, but this crazy stunt is close to the Coke disaster!
Hi Julia - True, at least they didn't dare touch Vegemite. Learning from history, I suppose..? :)
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