
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Freezing fun food film

The 13th Japanese Film Festival (hosted by the Japan Foundation) has just come to its end for another year, and it's closing film was an absolute cracker. Or rice ball if you prefer. Or lobsters, ramen, tempura, crabs for breakfast, or anything you like on your birthday.

Winner of the 2009 Golden Award at the Shindo Kaneto Director Awards, Chef of the South Pole is a film to warm hearts and stomachs. It starts with a food porn montage to whet the appetite and only gets better from there.

It really is a story about a chef in the South Pole, and the surprising characters and menus in the Antarctic climate. Funny, genuine and crammed with tummy-tempting food scenes, if you ever get a chance to see it - do. Just don't go in on an empty stomach.


  1. Oh, this looks like such an interesting film! (Probably because it involves food =P )

  2. Hi missklicious - Oh yeah, I'm still thinking about some scenes a week later...! Drool... :P

  3. Sounds like my kinda film! The Japanese are masters at food porn. I'll have to look it up and check it out :)

  4. Hi Forager - Oh yeah, have you seen Tampopo? Nothing like a ramen craving...!
