
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas to one and all

Quick post to say Merry Christmas to everyone. Hope everyone has a great day regardless of the weather.

And just a quick look at what I've been up to tonight - aside from stuffing myself silly and childishly hoping Santa comes, of course.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
Oh - hang on...

The gingerbread people get a tan

OTT icing monster man - when you don't know when to put the
icing bag down and step away from the cookies

I've made gingerbread people place cards

Merry Christmas, people!


  1. merry christmas dude! hope you have an awesome day!

  2. Gingerbread people placecards are an excellent idea - functional and tasty! Merry Christmas Tina!

  3. Hi Suze - Merry Christmas and Boxing Day and here's for a great New Years!

    Hi Forager - I think they were tastier than functional; they didn't really last...!
